The hidden mail mechanism is working, thank to Alberto who provided a solution for making it work on Internet Explorer. I trust that mail collector crawlers don’t execute the Javascript contained in a page, anyway I let you know. I’m preparing the first photoalbum (pics taken during the last fall in Trentino).
Thank you to all of you who gave me advices on this site. I’ll try to: add some colors, add some pictures, reduce the text size, change the first sentence (the one of “being an engineer”).
Those who are engineers will understand me… you’ll be able to master engineering studies only when your way of thinking change. Once I dreamed about being an inertia ellipsoid, if you managed that without getting mad… well you ARE an engineer 🙂
Therefore yes, I’m joking, but not too much (Haha only serious).
BTW this site is not valid HTML 4.01 Transitional, at least this is what the W3C Validator says. I’m working to make everything compliant, but it is not a priority and it’ll take time.