I’d like to bring the links below to your attention.First I found Steve McConnell’s blog. Steve wrote a bunch of very interesting stuff for programmers and project managers. I really enjoyed his Code Complete and Software Project Survival Guide, I read his very insightful slides on the matter he dealt with in Rapid Development. His Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art is in my reading queue, I’ll get to it, soon or later. A quick glimpse at amazon revealed the other two books: After the Gold Rush: Creating a True Profession of Software Engineering and Professional Software Development: Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, Enhanced Careers. That’s to say that you can find his thoughts very interesting. Just take for example:
“[[…] people often have an oversimplified view of other engineering disciplines when they make comparisons to software. I talked about that back in June in my post about “Rumors of Software Engineering’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated”
The other blog is the one that pointed me to McConnell’s is Coding Horror. It is a low traffic (2-3 post a day), collective blog about bad programmer experiences or braindead code behavior, sometimes funny, sometimes insightful.
Last, but not least, I found Artima blog, another low traffic and collective blog that deals with software technology from the programmers point of view. The last post, for example, explores the question why most of the largest websites are not written in Java.
Hope you find something useful there.