Month: July 2024

Fun with Functors in C

C language is old, actually, a very old language that resisted all the innovations that impacted the software development industries. Even ISO standard Cobol integrated object-oriented capabilities in 2002!

This didn’t prevent programmers from applying object-oriented programming to C. With some macro juggling and a lot of self-control not to break framework rules, you can have inheritance and dynamic dispatching.

Generic programming is, in the same way, foreign to C language1. You can use preprocessor macros to implement generic containers or functions that can be instantiated on the type you need, but it is a painful endeavor.

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Ad Astra

“Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate” [A. Bloch]. In my experience I never found a witty saying farther from truth than this.

I am about starting a new job and I am in the same mood and feelings I expressed here two years and something ago – thankful to the people I met and nervous to meet new people, although, I’m sure, they’ll be great people to work with and to share a good chunk of life.

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