Aren’t assistants supposed to be useful people? Maybe also discrete and non intrusive? I suppose so. I wonder how Microsoft got the idea of the infamous assistants for their Office 97 suite. That gizmo-clip is plain disturbing and until now I haven’t found anyone who likes it. Eventually Microsoft realized it and removed the annoying thing from more recent versions of Office. Nonetheless, even living today, you maybe still constrained to use an old version with the bouncing-blinking-wobbling-barking-clip. In the (unlikely) case you don’t like it, too, you may already have discovered that there is no official way to uninstall it.
The assistant seems there to stay, offending you intelligence and concentration. Luckily I found these instructions on how to blow it out of sight forever. Simply locate the directory “%ProgramFiles%Microsoft OfficeOfficeActors” (yes, there is a space within) and then remove every file with a “.ACT” extension.
This causes no problem whatsoever to Office, just enjoy the silence.
In the case you want back later the assistant, just resist the temptation, shouldn’t be hard.
The end of the Trousers of Time
Eventually one leg or the other turns out to be worse than the other. Times ago I wrote about being down in one leg of the Trousers of Time. Now it turned out that the leg I picked up is the good one and the other is a dead end. Feww! GameLoft Milan subsidiary closed at least according to the recent news. That’s sad and somewhat beyond understanding. The firm showed to be brave to invest in the Italian game industry but then retract despite of a great sales year. That reminds me of other stories by the same French proprietors, but those are… other stories.
I wonder how it turned out the decision that the investment was a complete waste of money and resources and the studio was better closed. After nearly a year of work they considered that the team was so worthless that keeping a production line in Italy was a nonsense. I personally know some of the people who worked over there and I know they are talented and have specific game industry experience, so I can’t figure out the reason for such a drastic decision. My solidarity to all those people laid out. I know what it means, really.
23 January – becoming parent!
The greatest joy, a mind wobbling experience, emotionally overwhelming. Yesterday my wife Ale an I were told that there were two children waiting for us. Our adoption journey arrived to a turning point – we eventually know our children. They are waiting for us in Colombia and they have to wait for yet a little time while we accomplish every bureaucracy task. They are wonderful and I already feel so proud of them. I think it is wiser still to wait for thing to get better defined before writing here their names.They don’t know yet we are here, but nonetheless we are and we are for them.
Dreaming of a light Xmas
I dream of a Xmas… I know, that’s not what you may call an original start, but rather than aiming for high goals such as peace, no more hunger or hate, my dream is about something closer and less noble. I dream of a Xmas where you can eat just what’s enough for a day and not the amount of energy required to deliver an orbital payload.
I dream of a Xmas lunch where people has not to say, overblown by the food, “that’s the tradition, we have to”. Why? Isn’t it enough to spend good time with parents, family, friends and/or relatives? Isn’t enough a 3-course meal? Xmas was once celebrated and sanctified by bringing something unusual, expensive and plentiful to the table. Starving the rest of the year, that was a right and proper thing to do on holidays. Todays there’s no meaning in doing this way.
According to Terry Pratchett this is going to stay just a dream since “You couldn’t stop Tradition. You could just add to it” (from “The Last Continent”).
I am very old
It is official, at least according to the young man (he’s 20, I can’t call him a boy) I give private programming lessons to. He said that his class is full of “old people” – most of them is even 30 or older! Scary! Anyway I have been programming for more years of my life than not and most of them have been spent on the C language. Maybe that classifies me as very old nonetheless. After all C had been designed and developed nearly 4 decades ago, when I was 4.
One of the question in an exam attended by my tutored boy was:
Define the result of the following expression given x=N and y=k
x = (y+1>x) ? x++ : y++;
Suddenly a bell rang in my head. Red alert was buzzing at full-volume, but another bell was ringing as well.
The main red alert was labeled as “Undefined Behavior”. Every bad thing could happen when U.B. is invoked by the unknowing programmer. If he is lucky then he just gets something out of the order he expects, otherwise he can blow everything up.
Back in the days where Real Men wrote their own compiler, the C designers decided to relax some constraints in the language semantics so that more aggressive optimizations could be implemented in the compilers. So within a C expression it is not defined the relative order of the side effects. If two or more side effects apply to the same operand, then you have a problem. Moreover the assignment operator (=) in the C language is just an operator with a side effect, so the expression:
is undefined behavior.
The day after I investigated on the C language FAQ and found that the ternary operator (? 🙂 introduces sequence points (a jargon to say that all the side effects have to happen before a given point in a language phrase), so the expression may, after all, be well defined.
The scaring part is that a random C programmer like me, with over 20 years of exercise in the language, could be baffled by such expression and unable to tell apart the result of such a line.
And that’s why the second buzzer triggered. Why young blank minds have to be troubled with such visions? If a program contains one expression like that chances are high that it is a bug. If it is not a bug you may well count it as such because you are going to have a hard time figuring out what’s going on in that code.
There are some values in programming that ought to be taught before putting hands to the keyboard. Simplicity is one of the most valuable principles – keep it simple. You have to understand it, even after months, others have to read and understand it as well.
Simplicity is meant to fight against the common distortion of the young programmer trying to assert himself considering (and unfortunately, writing) “concise, hard to read” for good code. “Hey, I bet you cannot find what this piece of code does”.
I think teachers should make serious effort, especially when dealing with languages such as C, where cryptic and short code could be easily written, to discourage one-liner approaches and striking that the great programmer is the one who is able to tackle complex subjects with simple and clear code.
Writing this could be another sign of my age…
Merry Xmas + Happy 2008
Best wishes to everyone, may your dreams come true, even if you don’t read this.
Just in case
The Times reports that Canterbury Archbishop stated that the Three Wise Men (the Wizard Kings in Italian) are nothing but legend. He goes further – “there was no evidence that there were any oxen or asses in the stable. The chances of any snow falling around the stable in Bethlehem were ‘very unlikely’. And as for the star rising and then standing still: the Archbishop pointed out that stars just don’t behave like that.”Browsing through older news, the same Archbishop took a strong position against the teaching of creationism in schools.
Enlighted, isn’t he? Just in case you feel shocked by these news maybe you want to reassure yourself that the Earth is indeed flat.
Disappointingly Short
There are events you can’t miss. If you have an Xbox 360 you simply cannot afford to miss Gear of Wars, Bioshock and the most unmissable ever Halo 3. With over 4 million copies sold in pre-order alone and a 93% score in average is hardly something you can heart-lightly miss or ignore. So I diligently bought my copy and started playing it. The game story is set just after the end of Halo 2. I am not a 3D guru, so the graphic let me quite unsurprised – Halo 2 had a superb outlook on the Xbox 1, while XBox 360 sported Gears of War and Bioshock that trained us to take for granted such high levels of details. So the start of Halo 3 in a wide open jungle wasn’t really astonishing, was more a … well, yes, good sort of thing.
The game is nonetheless very polished, you find enemies, weapons and vehicles, lots of funny stuff.
The most annoying piece of the game is the AI of the jeep driver that quite often get stuck into some dead end, leaving the player an easy target for incoming enemies.
The story is good, is somewhat more understandable of that of Halo 2, nonetheless is quite fictional for the game progressing, just blast away your enemies, try to not hit your friends, that’s all.
There are a couple of points were the sense of wonder brutally kicks-in, the ending level is epic. Although I miss the awe I felt back in Halo 2 when I discovered I could jump on the insectoid-mecha and bring it to a grinding halt.
But the worse part, the really bad thing is that this game is short! Really short, you can cut through it like a knife through a piece of butter and around in the same time. 8-10 hours even for me that can qualify something more than casual gamer.
The XBox live for sure brings oxygen to the game, adding value, but if you, like me, have not the on-line option, than this game is hugely overpriced.
My vote is 6 of 10.
Freedom for Rights
Before entering in the main theme, I’d like to state it clear – it happened sometimes I downloaded some AVIs or MP3s via eMule for personal use, though I am far from being addicted to this practice. Usually I prefer to spend money on these stuff either by rent or by purchasing the real thing, or to label it as too expensive for me (the same label I tagged with, over the time, a great deal of stuff). Despite of what the supporters of the free-download-for-all say, I am not convinced that it has to be a right the downloading of a recent movie for watching.Movies, musics, games, programs cost money to produce, a great effort that needs to be paid back. I don’t see any viable way of sustaining these industries but buying their goods (Scott Adams explains why much better than I could ever aspire to… at least in English).
The outcome of the recent Radiohead’s experiment about spontaneous payment for music stresses this point – many of those downloaders wouldn’t buy either at a much lower price.
There are good alternatives, even for item with the “too expensive for me” label – consider renting, borrowing from a friend or from the public library, wait for the item to reach the budget price range.
What I see is that in the name of freedom to spread other people IPs the Internet is more and more constrained, inspected and our freedoms of speech, opinion and thought are more and more restricted. Take for example the recent news from France or the recently adopted DMCA-like ruling in Switzerland and Canada. That means that some sort of filter thoroughly analyzes everything goes to and from your Internet pipe.
It is true that wouldn’t be illegal downloads, the same kind of deep inspection could have been ascribed to terrorist threats or any other form of crime prevention. The problem is that the former contributes to the idea that privacy for sure (and maybe some other rights) have to be sacrificed in the name of any kind of crime prevention – how trivial or grave doesn’t matter.
Here you are…
… the much awaited [|pictures from the last summer vacation]. Most of them have been shot by my nephew Matteo, kudos to him. USA parks in Utah are the among the best place we have ever been, look at the photos a judge yourselves. This new kind of photoalbum is a little different, a bit more tricky to handle behind the scene. Let me know if you find any quirk.